A Happier You
Do you remember when you were little, a time when happiness and joy was part of your everyday life? What happened? Why did adulthood bring so much sorrow? When exactly did I stop experiencing happiness? Let’s get you back on track! Get to know yourself and those around you through our conversations about mental health, self improvement, relationships and wellbeing.
Become equip to make better decisions. Do it for your OWN happiness, because no one else will.
👋 Bilingual show all the way from the South Africa!
9 episodes
Moet jou passie jou loopbaan word?
Hoe identifiseer ek my passie?Wat moet 'n "passie" vir my bied?Wat moet 'n "werk" vir my bied?Kan die twee dieselfde ding wees?My opinie verskil dalk van die algemene-moderne-voorstel, maar ek hoop jy kan my perspekt...

Kan mense regtig verander?
Hoe weet ek as daar iets in my lewe is wat ek moet verander? Hoe vind verandering plaas? Is accountability regtig so belangrik? Hoe help ek ander om te verander?Kom vind uit!

As iemand jou offend is dit jou eie skuld, but hear me out.
Dis jou verantwoordelikheid om te begin boundaries instel, maar wat is maklikste manier om dit te doen? Hoe bou jy selfvertroue op om bv. 'n vriendskap te verbreek....What you allow is what will continue, dis wat jy moet onthou!

Hoe om actually by jou "New Year's Resolutions" te stick
Ek hoop jou jaar was oraait, cope jy nog? Let's recap the big news stories of 2024 en hoe dit jou raak. Dis ideaal om 'n goed-ingeligde mens te wees. Dan... 2025, new year, new you?Ons bespreek ook effektiewe maniere om se...

A new perspective on Daddy Issues
Think you don't have Daddy Issues, think again. This is possibly a very tender topic to tackle and it gets under my skin when others in the public eye start to romanticize it in today's day and age. The romantic love a woman settle...

How to communicate like a pro
"Did you hear what I said?" "Are you listening to me?" Sound familiar?In this episode we explore how our differences in personality types and gender influence the way we communicate. Find yourself in a place where whatever you say is ...

Let's address your stress and how to control your thoughts.
"Never make an important decision when you're emotional" Ever heard that statement? BUT what if I feel like I'm constantly emotional? What are we to do if our emotions are out of control? GET CONTROL BACK, as simple as that. Sometimes YOU need ...

Will more gratitude really result in more happiness?
Experience more gratitude in one easy step. We've all been told that a grateful heart is a happy heart, but what does it really mean and how can I realistically and practically achieve it? Let me make it make sense to you by explaining to you h...