A Happier You
Do you remember when you were little, a time when happiness and joy was part of your everyday life? What happened? Why did adulthood bring so much sorrow? When exactly did I stop experiencing happiness? Let’s get you back on track! Get to know yourself and those around you through our conversations about mental health, self improvement, relationships and wellbeing.
Become equip to make better decisions. Do it for your OWN happiness, because no one else will.
👋 Bilingual show all the way from the South Africa!
A Happier You
Start with this TRAILER.
"How are you?" when was the last time you could with all honesty answer; "I am very well and happy, thank you." ? How do we achieve happiness in a world where we are conditioned by instant gratification and always seeking our next feel-good opportunity? Our aim should rather be to reach at state of consistent happiness that is rooted deep in our souls and not fleeting or easily influenced by the people and situations around us. Join me, Mienke, and together you and I will get to know ourselves and the nature of the people around us better, to experience happiness that is not fickle but lasting.
Follow Mienke on Instagram: @mienkejacobs
Follow Mienke on Facebook: Mienke Jacobs
Business partnership: ahappieryoupodcast@gmail.com